XML-Formatted Bakery Documents



The Document/View With Bakery page explains how to derive a Document class for your application. But Bakery::Document doesn't help you to organise or parse the data in the file. And f you achieve that by using a custom data format then other applications will not be able to easily use the same document. To solve this problem, the Bakery::Document_XML class helps you to use an XML format to store your data. This has the following advantages:

Create the Document class

Derive a Document class from Bakery::Document_XML. You don't need to override load_after() and save_after(), because Document_XML can do that for XML documents in general.


class DocExample : public Bakery::Document_XML
  virtual ~DocExample();

  void set_something(const std::string& strSomething);
  std::string get_something();

  xmlpp::Node* get_node_something(); //Gets 

As in the other examples, you should specify the file extension in the constructor. But you should also specify the name of the XML file's DTD, and the name of the top-level XML node. These will be used to create new empty Documents.


As in the other examples, when you implement methods like set_something(), which changes data in your document, you should call Document::set_modified(true).

In this example there is also a get_node_something() convenience method, just to reduce code duplication. Notice that we use the libxml++ Node class from the xmlpp namespace.

void DocExample::set_something(const std::string& strSomething)
    set_node_attribute_value(get_node_something(), "someval", strSomething);
  catch(const std::exception& ex)

std::string DocExample::get_something()
  std::string strValue;

    strValue = get_node_attribute_value(get_node_something(), "someval");
  catch(const std::exception& ex)

  return strValue;

xmlpp::Node* DocExample::get_node_something()
    xmlpp::Node* nodeRoot = get_node_document();
    return get_node_child_named_with_add(nodeRoot, "something");
  catch(const std::exception& ex)
    return 0;

You just need to use the libxml++ xmlpp::DomParser API, along with some convenience methods in Bakery::Document_XML, to navigate, read, and build your document. Bakery::Document_XML will take care of actually reading the XML into memory and writing it back to disk at the appropriate time.

Copyright © 2001, Murray Cumming. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.